Quick and easy document sharing

Quick and easy file sharing

In the commercial real estates sector, occupiers need a platform to easily access important documents to maintain compliance and regulations. DocuBase is your simple and cost-effective solution which enables tenants to easily search and access documents uploaded by an authorised building manager.

Upload documents securely

Landlords and property managers have a duty to ensure adherence to health and safety regulations in their properties. DocuBase enables you to share important compliance documents in a GDPR-secure format quickly and hassle free. Property information such as lease agreements, floor plans, H&S policies, fire safety, safe drinking water, HVAC, risk assessments and much more.

Upload documents safely and securely

Digital e-Signature

Get documents signed securely with our e-Signature feature to eliminate paper and reduce your building carbon footprint. Tenants can verify and sign documents to confirm they have read and understood the information. This is an optional feature which can be enabled or disabled when uploading a document, as not all documents require a signature.

Improved communication helps organisations thrive
Maintain access and control

Maintain access and control

Always have visibility and control of your files. DocuBase provides a secure, flexible, and scalable environment allowing control over how tenants access files. Apply restrictions and permissions to grant access to entire organisations or simply limit the access to individual users who need it. With DocuBase, you are always in control.

Key benefits of secure file sharing with DocuBase

Apply access controls and permission

Apply access controls and permission

Quickly find the exact document you need

Quickly find the exact document you need

Cloud portal accessible anytime and anywhere

Cloud portal accessible anytime and anywhere

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Start your 14-Day FREE TRIAL now

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